Jetpack CRM: Product Update #17 – September 2018

The months are flying by and we’ve now finished Q3 with Jetpack CRM. We’re happy that we can continue to spend our time serving our Entrepreneurs and continue to deliver a product which helps you grow your business and keep your customers happy.

September has been another great month of features. So pull up a chair by the 🔥🔥 as winter is coming (and Jetpack will just keep on improving)

Jetpack CRM: Core Updates

September we’ve put in a huge overhaul of the CRM system emails. Previously the CRM logged the email subject and whether it had been opened. However for Audit Trial purposes it now stores the email content as well.

Email UI Improvement

It also has a nifty side panel which loads the data from your CRM allowing you to see information about your contact as you write to them.

We’ve also put in the groundwork to our API to be able to start collecting emails into the CRM you can find out more about this on our emails feature page.

Inline Edits

When working on a large contact list, you may want to quickly edit fields on the contact, you can now do this via enabling the inline editor in settings, and then you can click on fields which support inline editing and edit them, well, inline 😄

Column Manager to all objects

We’ve also added the column manager to other objects (quotes, invoices) to be able to manage which fields display on those lists too.

Improvements and Fixes

One of the most frustrating parts we’ve had in the CRM is when using B2B mode and adding contacts to companies. It was impacted by various WordPress factors, such as Cache Plugins, timeouts and various “old database” structures for companies.

We’ve improved how this works this month by moving to the WP REST API when doing internal AJAX operations on contact lists (locked by permissions)

We’ve also added even more groundwork into the core for the upcoming Mail Campaigns, such as cron management options to allow sequential sending of emails to contacts.

Extension Updates

We’ve added a brand new extension. You can now create Advanced Segments in your CRM using custom fields and then use these segments throughout the CRM. Great for filtering lists.


Not forgetting our backers 🙂

A special thanks to our current backers below, if you want to help fund Jetpack CRM through a sponsorship, you can do so here.

  • Epic Plugins
  • Stormgate
  • Pressertech
  • Web Monkey Limited
  • Derp’s Discoveries
  • UniCenta
  • Once Upon A Time Events

Our backers are businesses and people who use Jetpack CRM every day and want to give a little bit extra. Get your name listed above by becoming a backer today.